USDA APHIS | REMINDER: On Sept. 30, New USDA Database Will Replace Three Import Manuals and the Fruit and Vegetable Imports Requirement (FAVIR) Database

2022-09-19 03:15:40 By : Ms. Vicky Fang

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has developed a new database called “Agricultural Commodity Import Requirements” (ACIR). ACIR gives users a simple search interface for finding and displaying import requirements for agricultural commodities. It will become the official location for import requirements for commodities currently found in the Fruit and Vegetable Import Requirements (FAVIR) database and three import manuals:

On Sept. 30, 2022, the FAVIR web page will redirect users to the ACIR landing page, and FAVIR will no longer be available on the APHIS website. On October 3, APHIS will remove the three manuals from its public-facing USDA website. The manuals will remain available to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and APHIS staff on an internal website. They will remain there for a transition period extending through the end of the calendar year 2023.

ACIR provides a single source to search for and retrieve entry requirements for imported commodities. ACIR information includes treatment schedules, inspection procedures, and other necessary information to determine admissibility, without the need to access multiple manuals. Users can check ACIR to see if they need to apply for a permit. APHIS’ eFile system for permit, license, and registration applications uses the ACIR import requirement data when processing plant and plant product permit applications.

APHIS created a series of quick reference guides and video tutorials for importers, brokers, and members of the public to quickly learn how to navigate the simple interface. These resources are available on the ACIR Training page. To ensure a smooth transition, APHIS strongly recommends that users of FAVIR or the three import manuals begin to use ACIR now. ACIR already offers access to all the commodity import requirement information found in the manuals.

Users can visit our ACIR feedback page or email us at to provide feedback and to ask questions.

Subscribe to the APHIS Stakeholder Registry to receive emails when information is updated for fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, miscellaneous and processed products, cut flowers and greenery, and seeds not for planting, along with other import topics. We suggest you consider subscribing to the following topics under the “Plant Health” category:

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Under “Importation into the U.S.” and “Entry Requirements Including Permits”:

Under “Manuals Update” and “Import Inspection Manuals”:

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