Chicory, celery and fennel sorted electronically

2022-05-29 18:12:37 By : Mr. Yujin Song

Sempreverde from Molfetta (Bari) has chosen Bulltec for the electronic grading of chicory, celery and fennel.

"The system for the processing of leafy vegetables is unique. We have used conveyors to transport the single vegetables and sort them based on the desired grade," explained Bulltec owner Ruggero Ricci.

"The simplicity, functionality and capability of processing different products are the element that convinced Sempreverde to invest in this new type of technology. "Processing a particularly leafy product with a bucket electronic grader can be 'complicated'. With its highly technological and innovative products, Bulltec aims at easy maintenance and zero downtime."

"In such a period characterized by soaring costs, it is not easy to find materials, especially steel. Or, actually, you can find everything but with longer delivery times and at a higher price."

The young company from Cesena continues with its research activities to make what is complicated easier, reducing electronics and using systems that are easy to clean and require little maintenance. "What is not there cannot break", stresses Ricci, focusing on the fact that resistant materials and a design that meets the commissioner's needs facilitate the work and improve efficiency.

For further information: Bulltec Via Calcinaro 2601 47522 Cesena (FC) - Italy +39 0547 1932254 +39 349 6923431

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